How Can Cannabidiol Help You To Stimulate Your Appetite?

More and more studies are happening about cannabidiol, so people around the world consider whether CBD can aid them in coping with their medical concerns. Almost every study shows positive results when people use cannabidiol for anxiety, insomnia, stress, skin issues, epilepsy and other health conditions. A common question that does the rounds about cannabidiol is this: Can it stimulate one’s appetite?

Can Cannabidiol Cause You To Be Hungry?

Thanks to many different studies, it is known that cannabidiol could interact with the human endocannabinoid system (ECS). Cannabinoid receptors are in your brain, gut, central nervous system and reproductive system. Cannabinoids, such as cannabidiol and tetrahydrocannabinol, can interact with CB1 cannabinoid receptors and CB2 receptors.

Tetrahydrocannabinol can bind with CB1 receptors in the human brain, which can stimulate a hormone known as ghrelin and make one hungrier. It can also change the signals from the brain that warn your body when your stomach is full. Unlike tetrahydrocannabinol, cannabidiol can engage with CB2 cannabinoid receptors, which can aid your ECS in being more balanced. Even though your gut has the receptors, cannabidiol is unlikely to stimulate the creation of ghrelin, so it will not contribute to more hunger.

Cannabidiol And Appetite

Cannabidiol can activate the serotonin 1A receptor as it gets introduced into your body, thus impacting serotonin production. The gut creates almost all the serotonin hormone, which plays a role in eating, digestion and other vital bodily functions. According to several recent studies, higher levels of the hormone suppress appetite. Cannabidiol may not play a direct part in the increase or drop in appetite but can impact hormones other than serotonin that do.

Cannabidiol can mainly interact with CB2 receptors, and the gut also has these receptors. The primary function of the human endocannabinoid system is to encourage an atmosphere where it becomes possible to ensure internal balance. Therefore, it is likely to be able to bring back a normal appetite when you no longer have an appetite.

How Cannabidiol Affects Metabolism

As per preliminary research, the interaction of cannabidiol with the ECS seems to have implications related to human metabolism. Cannabidiol can interact with those cannabinoid receptors that can regulate not only metabolism but also food intake, as per a recent animal study about how it affects feeding behavior. As per another study, cannabidiol has an impact on the conversion of fat cells too. The term fat browing refers to the process of transforming white adipose cells, which are utilized for energy and insulation, into brown adipose cells, which produce heat and burn calories.