CBD, derived from hemp, is one among the essential components found in medical marijuana. The long list of credits it holds includes numerous health benefits touted as highly effective in treating difficult medical conditions such as childhood epilepsy.

Two examples are Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (LGS) and Dravet syndrome—both related to childhood epilepsy—which cannot be treated with conventional antiseizure medications. That makes treating and managing these conditions difficult, and in some cases even impossible. Numerous studies done on epilepsy patients have shown CBD to be effective in reducing the symptoms of these conditions.

Using cannabis-derived medicines to treat childhood epilepsy greatly reduces seizure occurrences. There have been cases where such drugs worked wonders, altogether stopping the seizures. Drugs with controlled amounts of pure CBD in them can improve the overall fruitfulness of those children’s lives who are beset with crippling epileptic attacks. One such medicine is Epidiolex, which is FDA approved.


Conditions You Can Treat With CBD

Studies and user-experiences galore have proven CBD capable of helping reduce attacks of stress and anxiety, and inducing sleep. This can come as a godsend to people contending with insomnia or a mental disorder such as anxiety. CBD can alleviate chronic pain after you ingest it or apply it topically. Arthritis-induced pain and inflammation can be mitigated through application of a CBD-infused balm or topical oil. CBD can even help treat otherwise unmanageable neuropathic pain.

A less-investigated area is the favorable effects which CBD can bring to the treatment of addiction to substances such as cannabis, heroin, tobacco, alcohol, and opiates. In some of the cases, consuming CBD in controlled amounts has been proven effective in considerably bringing down cravings for the aforesaid substances, which in turn makes de-addiction easier to achieve.


Concerns About Safety

CBD use can have some side effects like fatigue, nausea, and irritability. It is also thought to speed on blood-thinning, as well as reduce the efficacy of other medicines it interacts with while in the body. There have not been enough long-term studies done into this, which has raised many speculations regarding how safe and effective CBD is as a treatment option for medical conditions.

CBD applications cover a wide range of health conditions, because of which definitive results and clinical trials will likely take no less than a decade or two to complete. What we know at this point however, is that CBD can in fact treat some of these conditions, because no ill effects have been reported in the general population.