Every winter rolls in dragging much the same problems for a lot of people—catching the flu or getting a flu-related symptom. The weather stays humid, the temperatures are low, and the winds are harsh; this means the chance of numerous health problems, with sore throat being the most common. If you get a sore throat like clockwork annually, it’s likely you’d rack your brains trying to figure out something preventative. You’re in luck then—CBD oil is one of the things that can stop a sore throat even before it sets in.

Sore throat happens to symptomize flu, which is caused by an infection that’s either viral or bacterial. It’s also possible to get a sore throat from dryness, allergies, or air pollutants. In this post, we’ll see whether CBD oil can assist in relieving sore throat or even entirely preventing the condition.


CBD Oil For Sore Throat

CBD is widely considered to be an especially good treatment option where sore throat is concerned. Despite there not being too many studies supporting its health benefits, users of CBD claim it manages to bring down the more severe problems associated with this health issue. The therapeutic benefits mainly stem from the way CBD is able to manipulate the ECS. Numerous clinical trials have shown that CBD may have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antibacterial properties. The last of those helps to fight off flu, which means there’s a lower chance of sore throat occurring in the first place.


For Sore Throat Pain

It’s already established that CBD can ease pain and inflammation CBD is able to suppress pain signals emanating from the brain, which means the person has a higher pain threshold.

The CB2 receptors happen to be present mostly in the peripheral organs and the immune system. When they get activated by the CBD, cytokine production is prevented. For the unaware, cytokines are proteins which help with inflammation, which means that when they get activated, the person gets swelling, redness, and pain.


CBD Oil For Strep Throat

When sore throat sets on alongside a fever caused by streptococcal infections, you get what is commonly known as strep throat. People who have used CBD to treat this condition swear by the efficacy of the method in getting rid of the problems it brings.

Even though there aren’t any direct trials which have evaluated the effectiveness of CBD in treating strep throat, one can surmise from its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory quality that it can work well in managing less serious bacterial infections.