Are you a person from Wisconsin seeking locally-made, top-quality cannabidiol? If so, we have made quite the compilation for you. Here, we would discuss the best locations to purchase cannabidiol in Wisconsin for your daily needs. Before diving into the list, let us discuss some facts about cannabidiol in Wisconsin.

Is Cannabidiol Legal In The State Of Wisconsin?

Cannabidiol has been a legal product in Wisconsin for the last five years. Back in 2017, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker approved a bill from the senate legalizing the processes of growing and possessing cannabidiol. Under the bill, Wisconsin farmers can legally grow hemp. Wisconsin is among the many states in the US that legalized the process of growing industrial hemp plants.

Moreover, the Farm Bill of 2018 legalized the manufacturing of cannabidiol at a federal level throughout the US. The bill not only defined cannabidiol but also set forth the federal guidelines on the cultivation of hemp and CBD production.

Industrial hemp is a form of cannabis with no more than 0.3% tetrahydrocannabinol. On the other hand, marijuana has over 0.3% tetrahydrocannabinol content. Cannabidiol from marijuana may be illegal in many US places, but hemp CBD derivatives are legal.

Over the last few years, cannabidiol has been becoming more and more popular thanks to its perceived health benefits. Wisconsin is a large CBD product distributor thanks to the rich soil in the state that suits the process of growing cannabis sativa. It was among the top cannabis sativa producers in America before hemp production became illegal in the early parts of the 20th century.

Should You Purchase Cannabidiol Online Or From A Physical Store?

It may be convenient to purchase cannabidiol from general stores or supermarkets, but it is better to do it from an online store. Why? Because online shopping allows you to confirm the safety, effectiveness and quality of an item through communication with the producer or vendor. Local stores that do not focus on cannabidiol items can often push inferior CBD products with questionable manufacturing processes into the market. So, you should seek CBD items from the retailer or manufacturer that focuses on selling or producing top-notch products.

There are many cannabidiol companies in Wisconsin with a willingness to deliver their items to you at great price points. To simplify your life, we have made a compilation of the best cannabidiol companies in the state.

Wild Theory CBD Co.

The cannabidiol company in Madison makes CBD products from locally-grown cannabis sativa. The family-run business prioritizes accessibility, innovation and quality. It keeps everything local, including the farmers and the producers. The whole cannabidiol stays within range so that it can monitor the entire process. Further, its affordable rates help anyone in getting the support that they require from cannabidiol’s perceived health benefits. We love the pioneering ideas of Wild Theory that lead the cannabidiol industry.


College roommates started this cannabidiol oil brand in Wisconsin. Starting from an idea, they now operate a successful cannabidiol business that prioritizes quality, transparency, and the wellbeing of customers. The thing to like about the brand is its dedication to full-spectrum cannabidiol’s health benefits. The brand offers a sample pack of cannabidiol items at an extremely low rate as it believes that people will come back to buy more when they experience CBD’s benefits.


The cannabidiol business in Cambridge is rooted in American Indian culture. It is the first American Indian-owned cannabidiol company here in Wisconsin. Owner Rob Pero of Canndigenous honors the culture and lives of his ancestors in the company mission. As per the mission, the company looks to serve both the American Indian and local community with an authentic cannabidiol brand offering top-notch CBD that people can trust. The company goes a step further by looking to be a waste-free farm to confirm healthier soil.

A great potential benefit of cannabidiol is that it can aid in curbing addiction. Pero highlights the result for the sake of the American Indian company.

Canni Hemp Co.

The cannabidiol company in Milwaukee has a holistic way of dealing with human health. Cannabidiol can be a good way of supporting your wellness. The company uses locally-grown ingredients for its CBD products, which it crafts to perfection through unique formulas. Further, it provides an array of cannabidiol items from other companies to offer customers a comprehensive collection to pick from.

Priceland Hemp

It is Wisconsin’s first government-authorized cannabidiol dispensary that opened its doors four years ago. It has become a well-known hemp brand among customers in the Black River Falls area and elsewhere in the nation. The company provides its top-quality cannabidiol in an array of forms, which include topicals, edibles and tinctures. The company deals in CBD isolate, whole-hemp and broad-spectrum cannabidiol products.

Admirable things about the company are its commitment to customers and the fact that it offers CBD items at reasonable rates. Check out its innovative gummies with cannabidiol and delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol.