Cannabidiol is shown to have several therapeutic properties that can offer better pharmaceutical effects without major negative secondary effects. Therefore, more and more people are using it for their health and the health of their pets. Domestic pets such as dogs and cats, especially, show unusual behavior that signifies a specific health issue or two. At this time, you might be tempted to approach a veterinarian for guidance on the appropriate treatment approaches for that issue. Speaking of veterinarians, while some of them do not recommend administering cannabidiol to pets, many do.

There are several CBD products with medicinal effects for pets, but scientific research is yet to authentically prove that cannabidiol is effective for common pet health issues. Therefore, bear in mind that cannabidiol may or may not have the desired therapeutic effects on your pet.

It is also worth noting that the effects it may have on one user may be unlike another, which applies to pets as well. Why? Because cannabidiol’s primary effects can vary among users according to different factors. Some of these factors are the nature and weight of your pet as well as whether it is consuming cannabidiol on an empty stomach or with something else.

Another point to remember before using cannabidiol is whether the law in your region allows the same. Albeit the US’s federal government has legalized CBD use for human beings, states have their own rules with regard to this. Therefore, check the laws and regulations in your US area before offering cannabidiol to your animal. If it is possible for you there, then you might want to consider the following ways of doing so.

Direct Administration

Use a dropper to give some amounts of cannabidiol to your pet through its mouth. When you put the product in its mouth, avoid gagging the animal or squeezing the dropper. Besides, consider giving your pet its favorite snack soon after the administration to help ensure that it swallows the product. This cannabidiol administration method may fail sometimes, especially if it scares your pet so much that it hesitates to take or swallow the product.

Include It In A Pet Treat Or Pet Food

It is not uncommon for pets to hesitate to consume an unfamiliar product, such as cannabidiol. In that case, consider adding that CBD product to the pet food or pet treats you use for your cat/dog at home. This move can result in the proper administration of the product. Just be sure of mixing the cannabidiol product with the other item and let it sit for a while before allowing your pet to have it.