Cannabidiol is an industrial hemp component with therapeutic effects as well as perceived benefits. It may come from cannabis Sativa, but it has no intoxicating effect on the user. So, several ongoing studies check whether cannabidiol could help to keep blood sugar in check, reduce inflammation, plus ease the neuropathic pain associated with diabetes. Now, does the above statement mean that cannabidiol is a potentially effective way of treating diabetes? Read on for the answer to it.


Cannabidiol For Diabetes Treatment: Here Is What The Existing Research Says


Most studies regarding cannabidiol’s impact on diabetes involved the utilization of rodents. That is not a good thing as factors like lab conditions as well as the differences between humans and rodents can all affect the results of those studies. CBD may be effective in treating animal diabetes, but that is not to say that humans would also have the same positive effect.


In an experiment, CBD was trialed on mice where the flow of blood to the brain was less. That kind of blood circulation is one of the diabetes complications that some people face. The researchers involved in that experiment found that CBD lessened hyperglycemia, plus cholesterol and bad fat levels while increasing insulin production.


Other pieces of CBD research with rodents found that:


  • The cannabis compound lessens the pain and inflammation that occurs because of nerve damage. A study demonstrated that CBD kept prevented inflammation and nerve-related pain.
  • It makes diabetes a less likely health condition. Another study found that CBD might even prevent diabetes.
  • It promotes unsaturated fat. CBD oil possibly helps our body to make white fat into brown adipose tissue. That can increase the human body’s capability of using blood sugar.


Diabetes And THC


The effects of both diabetes and THC are different. Another recent study demonstrated that a THC strain increased glucose and lipid levels for type-2 diabetes patients, while CBD lacked that effect. Cannabidiol reduced resistance to insulin, plus it improved gastrointestinal hormone levels.


Be Cautious Of Using Cannabidiol For Diabetes


CBD comes in all shapes and sizes, so to speak, including vapes, capsules, and liquid drops. Anyhow, the US FDA regulates only one CBD item. Known as Epidiolex®, that item is meant for some rare forms of epilepsy, and it is no diabetes treatment. So, you may find it tricky to confirm that non-Epidiolex® CBD items are legitimate. For instance, over 0.3% delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol has been discovered as a component of some CBD items.


Besides, cannabidiol is also likely to have side effects such as drowsiness, fatigue, dry mouth and diarrhea. It can interact with drugs such as blood thinners, too. Therefore, be sure of discussing the utilization of cannabidiol for diabetes with a doctor.

